Martinsburg Brethren in Christ Church
Interested in learning more about us?
Bible Studies
Tuesday evenings at 6:30. Everyone welcome. Please see Mike Clark or Pastor Michael for more information.
Service Project – March 16 After Service
The Ladies fellowship Committee is sponsoring a service project to benefit The Crossroads Pregnancy Center. We will be collecting diapers, wipes, clothes and other needed items for the pregnancy center. All ages are invited to attend a fellowship meal with a time to prepare supplies to be delivered. Thank you.
Membership Sunday – March 23
There are currently 5 people who have expressed a desire to become members of MBIC. We will have a Membership Ceremony during the service and then have a Membership Potluck meal following the service. If you are interested in becoming a member, please see Pastor Michael. There will be a sign-up sheet in the foyer for the potluck meal. Please plan to be here to receive new members.
We Strive to be a Church That Lives out our Faith, Embraces our FREEDOM and Grows through FELLOWSHIP.